마루짱의 국내여행 사진블로그

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간단하게 적으면, 페이지 내용은 다음과 같습니다.


SMC Pentax A 15/3.5
SMC Pentax A 16/2.8 Fisheye
SMC Pentax M 20/4
SMC Pentax 24/2.8
SMC Pentax A 24/2.8
SMC Pentax A 28/2
SMC Pentax FA 28/2.8
SMC Pentax 35/2
SMC Pentax A 35/2
SMC Pentax FA 35/2 AL
SMC Pentax A 35/2.8
SMC Pentax M 40/2.8
SMC Pentax FA 43/1.9 Limited
SMC Pentax 50/1.2
SMC Pentax A 50/1.2
SMC Pentax M 50/1.4 [*1*] [*2*]
SMC Pentax A 50/1.4
SMC Pentax FA 50/1.4 [*1*] [*2*]
SMC Pentax FA 50/1.7
SMC Pentax A* 85/1.4
SMC Pentax FA* 85/1.4
SMC Pentax 85/1.8
SMC Pentax M 85/2
SMC Pentax A 100/2.8 Macro
SMC Pentax FA 100/2.8 Macro
SMC Pentax 105/2.8
SMC Pentax A* 135/1.8
SMC Pentax FA 135/2.8
SMC Pentax M 150/3.5
SMC Pentax A* 200/2.8 ED
SMC Pentax A* 200/4 Macro
SMC Pentax 200/4
SMC Pentax M 200/4
SMC Pentax 300/4
SMC Pentax M* 300/4
SMC Pentax A* 300/4

Takumar 100/4 Bellows

Sigma MC 28/2.8 macro

Tamron 90/2.5 macro
Tamron 300/5.6


SMC Pentax FA 28-70/4 [*1*] [*2*]
Pentax A 28-80/3.5-4.5
SMC Pentax A 28-135/4
SMC Pentax A 35-70/4
SMC Pentax F 35-70/4-5.6
SMC Pentax A 35-105/3.5
SMC Pentax A 70-210/4
SMC Pentax FA* 80-200/2.8

Makinon 28-80/3.5-4.5

Tamron 28-105/4-5.6

Tokina 28-105/3.5-4.5


[A* 135/1.8 + 2X-S TC] vs. [A* 200/2.8 ED + 1.4X-S TC] vs. [A* 300/4]
Effect of Focal Length on Macro Perspective
SMC 300/4 + AF adapter F 1.7x
645 A 120mm f/4 macro lens vs. 35mm SMC 135/2.5 and SMC M 100/2.8
